Sunday, November 20, 2011


I know that for some of you just the title alone has created alot of thoughts in your head already.  More often than not people are complaining about Walmart.  But yet we still all go there because the prices truly can't be beat.  And it is of course a one stop for everything.

I went to Walmart for the purpose of getting "Melting Chocolate" for a chocolate fountain I have.  I had already been to another store (Target) that day and they did not have it so I went back to "old reliable Walmart."

Now my concern with Walmart is anytime I need to ask where something is I get the cold sweats and am already annoyed because I feel like I'm going to get frustrated with whoever I talk to. Because, as is my past experience there, I usually don't get the help I am seeking.

So before asking any co-workers I called my sister who had bought this chocolate before and she told me where to go to look for it.  And of course it was right where she told me. Now I needed the little skewers to use to stick in the fruit, candy or marshmellow's for the fountain.  There were none located by the melting chocolate. 

I made my first attempt at asking an associate.  Now this time I was partly at fault because I asked him where Fondue Sticks would be.  He sent me to housewares.  Once there I realized if I found any over in housewares they would be the nice metal ones and I was looking for disposable wood ones.  So I was upset at myself for not communicating clearly.  But the first wrong step that Walmart does EVERYTIME is they just SEND you to the aisle they don't TAKE you to the aisle.

So I find another associate who looks like she knows what she is doing and I ask her, in more clear terms, what I am looking for.  She says she knows what I am talking about but can't remember where they are.  She then sends me to an aisle and explains where I get them, but then says "I'll walk with you."  Bonus for her, I was impressed.  Then we get there and of course the skewers are not there.  She then sends me to another aisle, but does not come with me. 

Long story short, I left Walmart without any skewers as the next aisle she sent me to did not have the item or I couldn't locate them on my own without assistance and did not want to ask another associate for help again.

Moral of this judgement is ALWAYS stick with your customer until they find what they are looking for.
I think this is Walmart's biggest set back is their customer service.  They simply don't care and maybe they don't care because they know they don't have to.  Regardless of how many times I have said "I will never go back there." I always do.

1 comment:

  1. I don't like shopping at Wal-Mart either, but I always end up there because, when it comes to groceries, the only other store that can beat their prices is WinCo. And, the closest WinCo to me is West Valley which is way out of my way.

    Ya, I've had some interesting customer service experiences with Wal-Mart, but mine usually are with the cashiers. Dustin got so upset with a cashier once that he e-mailed the manager, and the manager actually called him on the phone to apologize. It has to be BAD customer service in order for Dustin to do anything.
